A week ago we were preparing in anticipation for what we thought would be the worst storm to ever hit our area. We are ALL fully aware that we were spared from what would have most assuredly been an event that was completely devastating. The result instead was that our neighbors to the south felt the full blow of the storm and are now in dire need of help and relief.

We have been collecting items to donate to the cause since mid last week. Thank you ALL that have already made drops at our offices! The items are starting to really pile up! Let's keep it rolling. We will be teaming up with a couple of local businesses that have also organized efforts to insure all of your donations ACTUALLY get into the hands of those desperately in need. Although this is a VERY urgent matter, this will be a continuous effort so please donate what ever you are able to at this point. We hope to have a great turn out for next week's office meeting Oct.11th and are asking that everyone PLEASE brings items to support the cause at that time. We plan for this round to collect from today through the Oct. 13th. We may make a couple of trips depending on the response. Here is an updated list of items needed... (But honestly what ever you can get your hands on.) Water, Water and More Water Paper products , cups , plates Toilet Paper Garbage bags Gas tanks Gas for generators Propane Dehumidifiers 5 gl Containers Masks Floor squeegees Grills Cookware Zip lock bags Toothpaste / tooth brushes Extension cords Feminine products Diapers Formula Pet Food Non Perishable Items Bread Peanut Butter and Jelly Powerade or other electrolyte drinks Protein bars and drinks Hand Sanitizer Sanitizer Wipes Clothing Adults and Children Books and Toys Brooms Shovels Mops Clorox First Aid Items Allergy and Pain medications *I threw together a quick flyer and attached it below if you would like to share it with your sphere/network. Just download and share. RE/MAX Offices Update We have been aggressively reaching out to RE/MAX Offices in the impacted areas to offer assistance. We have had a great response from the RE/MAX network and will be following up with more details as they unfold. Thank you so much to everyone that has been reaching out to your contacts in the impacted areas to offer support. It was just brought to my attention from a RE/MAX Office that they are in search of Boats to access specific areas as well. I will be reaching out to the contacts provided to to get details on the desired areas, housing, etc. They are offering to pay for fuel. I believe Sanibel Island is one of the main areas. (Thanks for the tip Chip Hall!) Here are a few opportunities that we have come across that may be of interest if you are looking to get your boots on the ground. The Red Cross The sign up process if fairly quick and does require a background check. (It was a very quick process) www.redcross.org The Cajun Navy -needs volunteers www.facebook.comGoCajunNavy/ If you'd like to send supplies through Amazon they have made it super simple and they have put together an updated list of what is needed as well. - https://www.amazon.com/.../ls/3GELFBA4BBMNO/ref=hz_ls_biz_ex To donate - https://give.gocajunnavy.org To volunteer- https://volunteer.gocajunnavy.org/need/ Samaritan’s Purse -will put you to work asap. samaritanspurse.org
Gladiolus Food Pantry - also needs volunteers. www.gladiolusfoodpantry.org The Everglades Wonder Gardens - needs help with debris removal you can show up every day this week 9-5, they just put you to work. https://wondergardens.org Ok, that is it for now. Please reach out with questions or if you have ideas you would like to share. This is obviously a very fluid situation so we will try to keep you updated on the latest developments. As always, thank you for all the help and for ALL that you do.
